MAILING ADDRESS Great Sand Dunes National Monument; Mosca, CO 81146; Telephone: 719-378-2312 DIRECTIONS The Monument is located in the central and southern part of the state. The Visitor Center is thirty-eight miles northeast of Alamosa on Highway 150. WHEN TO VISIT Open year round. Peak visitor month is July. Climate: winters are cold, Summers hot. POINTS OF INTEREST Among the largest and highest in the United States, these dunes were deposited over thousands of years by southwesterly winds blowing through the passes of the lofty Sangre de Cristo Mountains. ACTIVITIES Visitor Center; museum/exhibits; NPS guided tours; self-guiding tours/trails; picnic areas; campgrounds; group campsites; backcountry use; hiking; horseback riding; fishing; GENERAL INFORMATION Temperatures on the sand dune can reach 140 degrees F at midday, so hiking early or late in the day is recommended. The hike to the top of the dune takes about one and a half hours. Food, supplies, and overnight accomodations are available in Alamosa, Salida and Garland.